Caltrans South Pasadena Properties For Sale

Open House Schedule

Due to safety reasons, individuals under 18 years of age are not permitted to view the properties

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs for the Caltrans South Pasadena Properties

Our Team will not be representing any Buyers on these properties. You will need to find a Buyer's Agent to represent you.

Any buyer not represented by an agent will need to sign a Buyer Non-Agency Agreement form, as our team is only representing the Seller. Email to request that form. Once signed and returned, within 24 hours, you will receive the information necessary to write your own offer. Please note: Our team will not be able to answer any questions or provide any insight relating to the documents.

Unfortunately, we cannot recommend any real estate agents. You can research agents online.

Please thoroughly review the Offer Guidelines, which are available on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS).

No offers will be reviewed until the offer deadline.

These properties will likely not qualify for financing, as most utilities are not on. Offers will likely need to be cash or cash equivalent.

Unfortunately, we cannot recommend any lenders.

Hard money loans will need to be verified in the offer review process.

Your agent will be able to access the information on the MLS.

The properties will have multiple open houses. See the MLS or check our website for the open house schedule. Private showings will not be available.

Inspection reports are available on the MLS.

Buyers should conduct their own investigation. The seller has not occupied the properties and does not have that information.

Please thoroughly review the historical requirements, which are available on the MLS and the folder below within the website. The South Pasadena Preservation Foundation is also a resource for questions regarding the historical restoration process.

Please thoroughly review the historical requirements, which are available on the MLS  and the folder below within the website. The South Pasadena Preservation Foundation is also a resource for questions regarding the historical restoration process.

Information for Prospective Buyers

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No Contact, No Influence During the Sales Process.

Any prospective buyer(s), their agents, representatives, lobbyists, or any person or entity on behalf of any prospective buyer(s), shall not contact any member of the South Pasadena City Council, whether directly or indirectly, regarding their interest in the Property, regarding any potential offer to purchase the Property whether or not an informal or formal offer has been submitted or regarding the status of any offer submitted for the purchase of the Property. Furthermore, no prospective buyer(s), their agents, representatives, lobbyists, or any person or entity on behalf of any prospective buyer(s) shall contact, directly or indirectly, any member of the South Pasadena City Council to attempt to influence in any manner the decision making process regarding the City’s sale of the Property to a third-party purchaser.   As used herein, “Property” refers to the properties located at 216 Fairview Avenue, 217 Fremont Avenue, 225 Fremont Avenue, 1002/1008 and 726 Meridian Avenue and 1707 Meridian Avenue. Members of the South Pasadena City Council include Mayor Evelyn Zneimer, Mayor Pro Tem Jack Donovan, Councilmember Braun, Councilmember Cacciotti and Councilmember Primuth. Failure to abide by this requirement, as determined by the City in its sole discretion, may be cause for the City to not consider an offer received by the prospective buyer(s) who has not abided by this directive.

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